
*the heart of a flower*

My heart is heavy and my soul is tired
When all i want tonight is to be in your arms..
Again & again beneath the endless stars..

How could one not love your great, still eyes?
How could one not long to be good to you - for you?

Tonight, all I hear is the sky - immense
Still more immense without you...

& your fickle hollow words fall from my soul but,
tonight I won't write the saddest lines..

I've stories to tell you on the shore of evening, soft & gentle doll...
So that you should never be sad-
But a swan - a tree, something far away & happy
In a ripe & fruitful season.

I can live in a harbor from which I will always care for you...
In solitude crossed with dreams & with silence
Penned up between the sea & sadness

Between the lips & the voice of something of something thats dying or
never will..
The way nets cannot hold water..

Only few things are left trembling
but even so something sings in my words
Somethings climbs to my starving mouth
Oh, to be able to celebrate with you with all the words of joy.

What comes over you?
to close yours
to close mine
to close the heart of a flower.


... -a

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